The Importance and Key Benefits of Heat Recovery Units
Heat recovery systems are becoming increasingly important in modern households, as they not only supply fresh air but also help retain thermal energy. Unlike traditional ventilation, which extracts polluted air along with valuable heat, a heat recovery unit uses a special heat exchanger to warm incoming air with the outgoing heat. As a result, up to 90% of thermal energy is preserved indoors, significantly reducing heating costs.
It’s important to distinguish heat recovery units from other popular devices, such as air conditioners and heat pumps. Air conditioners cool the existing indoor air but do not provide air exchange, and they achieve better efficiency when combined with centralized ventilation. Heat pumps, on the other hand, can heat the air in winter and cool it in summer, yet they still don’t ensure fresh air exchange.
For decentralized ventilation systems, which include heat recovery units, a “duet” of a heat recovery unit and an air conditioner can be formed. You can opt for units that, in summer, help keep the indoor air as cool as possible (retaining up to 90% of the coolness) while simultaneously supplying fresh air. The incoming hot air is cooled in the heat recovery unit by the outgoing cooler air, thereby reducing the load on the air conditioner and lowering electricity consumption.
Heat recovery units reclaim heat that would otherwise be lost, helping to reduce heating costs by up to 25–30%. This is particularly important in countries like Latvia, where heating expenses rise significantly during the winter months.
With a heat recovery system, a constant supply of fresh air is maintained, fostering a healthy indoor climate and preventing the buildup of moisture, CO₂, and pollutants. This not only enhances comfort but also supports better health.
Heat recovery units offer several key advantages, especially in decentralized ventilation systems. Centralized ventilation often requires extensive installation work and complex duct systems, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
In contrast, decentralized heat recovery units are installed individually in each room, allowing you to tailor the indoor climate to each space. Their installation is simpler and faster—usually requiring just one wall opening and about 1–2 hours for experienced professionals. Another advantage is easier and more efficient cleaning, which simplifies maintenance and preserves high efficiency over the long term.
To successfully choose a suitable decentralized heat recovery unit, it’s essential to first assess the room size and the number of people who will regularly occupy it, determining the required airflow. Most frequently, heat recovery units are installed in spaces occupied by fewer than 10 people on a regular basis. However, there are technical solutions available that allow these devices to be used in larger spaces with more occupants, such as classrooms, offices, and similar environments.
To find out which device your space needs, fill out the application form or browse all our units in our online store!
Decentralized Heat Recovery Units: https://majaelpo.lv/collections/rekuperatori
Centralized Heat Recovery Units: https://majaelpo.lv/collections/centralizeta-rekuperacijas-iekarata